prevent strain中文什么意思

发音:   用"prevent strain"造句
  • prevent:    vt. 1.阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍 ...
  • strain:    n. 1.血统,家世;族,种;【生物 ...
  • crime, prevent:    防止犯罪行为
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  1. Avoid lying prone for long periods to prevent straining the neck . avoid reading in bed . d
  2. According to the who , the best way to prevent strains of xdr - tb from developing , is to strenghten the control of basic tb
    Who指出,发展中国家预防xdr - tb菌株的最佳途径是加强结核病基础控制工作。
  3. Arrange your work environment properly furniture , equipment , etc . so that your neck can be maintained in a relaxed position at all times . take rest breaks to prevent straining the neck
  4. Arrange your work environment properly ( furniture , equipment , etc . ) so that your neck can be maintained in a relaxed position at all times . take rest breaks to prevent straining the neck


  1. prevent senescence 什么意思
  2. prevent shunt 什么意思
  3. prevent something from spreading 什么意思
  4. prevent spindling 什么意思
  5. prevent sth from getting in keesth out 什么意思
  6. prevent strains contusions 什么意思
  7. prevent suicide 什么意思
  8. prevent sympathetic disc vibration 什么意思
  9. prevent the flood 什么意思
  10. prevent the free movement of an opponent 什么意思


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